Saturday, September 7, 2019

Meeting Etiquette

 Image result for pictures of meeting etiquette 

Etiquette is the customary code of polite behaviour in society or any member of a particular profession or group.
 Meeting etiquette means the code of conduct while attending the meeting. It is very important for an individual to behave appropriately in public to earn respect and appreciation.   So I would suggest attending that meeting.

 Importance of meeting etiquette :
 The meeting is impossible without your presence. Everyone will get the chance to know the real scenario after attending this meeting. I strongly suggest you join this meeting. So the business meeting etiquette rules are followed:

Image result for rules of business etiquetteBe on time:
Punctuality is very important in the meeting. If you arrive late or interrupt the meeting, apologise. Our meeting will start at 1 pm so everyone should arrived at 1:45. 

Wait your turn:
 No matter how important your point is, it can surely wait until whoever is talking has finished. If you have to interject, give the speaker some kind of non-verbal signal, for example by raising your hand or tilting your head.

Stay mentally and physically present:
While attending the meeting be mentally and physically present and concentrate on the topic. While attending the meeting everyone has to

Contribute to meeting goals:
While attending the meeting, you have to participate and contribute from your side.

Let everyone participate: 
Share time so that all can participate.Be patient when listening to others speak and do not interrupt them. Respect each other’s’ thinking and value everyone’s contributions.

 Avoid using the cell phone during meeting:
Using cell phone is restricted during our meeting time. Phone should be in silent mode during thst time.  

Avoid personal questions during the meeting time:  
All the agenda in the meeting will be sent through e-mail, so before you attend themeeting make sure that you go through on that. You have to discussed the professional and business agenda while attending the meeting. You are not allowed to do the personal matters in this meeting.

 Poor communication skill is not professional:
 Always focuse on the prrofessional behaviour while attending the meeting. Communication is the first impression while attending the meeting. So always maintain the good communication skill to all the members.

 In this meeting I will basically focus on the  following issues that are raised by our staff members before;
  •  New Standard in workplace
  • Ways of dealing with our customer
  • solving the problem inemergency condition.
Hope you see you all in our meeting meeting.